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Speeding up retrofit delivery

Greater Manchester Retrofit Summit



Presentations, Q&A, themed discussion & networking

Mcr Summit_HubSpot
Designed specifically for local/combined authority officers, installers, contractors, consultants, community organisations, surveyors, architects, academics, landlords, and sector organisations.
Housholder Case Studies
Hear from UK leading lights in low carbon - those at the cutting edge of retrofit research, planning and best practice.
AM3 Panel smiles
We pose your questions to our expert speaker panel
Immy + Dan - session with screenshare
Case-studies shared with you live - drill into the nitty-gritty of retrofit with those who are at the forefront of the action
Cllr Thomson _ BCC (TBC)
Hear from local authority leaders who are spearheading retrofit action at-scale
good testimonial
Come along and learn how others are getting retrofit done - the good stuff and the lessons learnt along the way
Summit Panel Day 2 Panel Kim yay!
Be inspired for your own projects by the work being done to decarbonise our homes and meet net zero targets
Superb conference_testimonial_534x280
Attendees love our fast-paced online format - drop in to suit your schedule

Join us at GM's Retrofit Action Week flagship event this October

Greater Manchester aims for zero carbon by 2038, with housing retrofit crucial to this goal. Join us online at the 5th Greater Manchester Retrofit Summit during Retrofit Action Week, Oct 7-9, 2024, to explore how the city region leverages soon-to-be devolved powers for retrofit advancements.

Who's it for?

The Summit is for everyone working in retrofit at-scale, community retrofit and individual home retrofit projects - specifically, local/combined authority officers, installers, contractors, consultants, community organisations, surveyors, academics, landlords and green economy organisations.


The Summit runs online on Zoom Events over Oct 7-9, 2024 (08.45-12.30hrs) offering presentations, speaker Q&A discussion, themed break-outs and informal networking each morning.

Programme themes and content are being produced in conjunction with our regional Advisory Group to ensure local perspectives, needs and objectives are at the heart of the event.

Aileen McDonnell_courtesy The Guardian
Hear from leading lights in low carbon housing

Focused and fast-paced retrofit-focused programme curated with our regional Advisory Group - and specifically aimed at local/combined authority officers, installers, contractors, consultants, community organisations, surveyors, academics, landlords, architects and green economy and sector organisations.

Image: Aileen McDonnell, B4Box, past speaker at Manchester Retrofit Summits; image courtesy of The Guardian.

Pose your questions to the experts

Facilitated Q&A each morning allows you to pose your burning questions to the experts - and get answers! - then chat directly with them in the breakouts.

Each AM session allows plenty of time for discussion with speakers and peers.

Summits are informal friendly events designed to facilitate learning and information-sharing.

working together_headway-537308_Unsplash
Find solutions for your projects

Join themed breakout rooms each morning to discover the latest proven low carbon tech and solutions - and meet the teams behind them - to discover how it can help your projects. 

Recent themes have included: preventing mould and damp; data and retrofit; retrofit and SHDF; helping you reach net zero; ventilation for good retrofit; meet the contractor and turnkey retrofit delivery...

Programme themes and content are designed in close collaboration with our Greater Manchester Advisory Group to ensure local perspectives, needs and objectives are at the heart of the Summit.
AM#1: Growing Greater Manchester's retrofit market

Final programme TBA

  • 08.45hrs: Logging in and early chats
  • 09.00hrs: Welcome & Overview
  • 09:10hrs: Meet our Thought Leaders
  • 09:15hrs: Opening Address
  • 09:25hrs: GMCA: Devo deal, market growth and career pathways
  • 09:40hrs: Green Economy: Skills and workforce development
  • 09:50: TBA: New political context and 'new gov' changed priorities
  • 10:00hrs: VENTI: Thought Leader session: The importance of ventilation for good retrofit
  • 10:10hrs: Saint Gobain Interior Solutions: Building better for retrofit
  • 10.20hrs: Themed Breakouts and discussion
  • 10:50hrs: Speaker Q&A Panel + AM#2 Preview
  • 11.30hrs: Themed Breakouts and discussion
  • 12.00hrs: Morning closes

Register to stay updated on the programme for each morning.

AM#2: Unlocking finance to support retrofit scale-up

Final programme TBA

    • 08.45hrs: Logging in and early chats
    • 09.00hrs: Welcome & Overview
    • 09:10hrs: Meet our Partners
    • 09:15hrs: Green Finance Institute: Green Home Finance Accelerator projects
    • 09:40hrs: People Powered Retrofit: Local Partnerships and Credit Unions
    • 09:50: Nesta: Regional approaches to market - Sweden
    • 10:00hrs: TBC: Regional market approached to finance - West Yorkshire
    • 10:10hrs: Digital Buildings: Thought Leader session on digital services for consumers to design, manage and control their own home retrofit plans
    • 10:20hrs: Groundwork: Thought leader session on their Green Doctor Retrofit work around Manchester
    • 10.30hrs: Themed Breakouts and discussion
    • 11:00hrs: Speaker Q&A Panel + AM#3 Preview
    • 11.30hrs: Themed Breakouts and discussion
    • 12.00hrs: Morning closes

Register to stay updated on the programme for each morning.

AM#3: Lessons & ambition: how can devolution plug gaps in delivery at-scale?

Final programme TBA

  • 08.45hrs: Logging in and early chats
  • 09.00hrs: Welcome & Overview
  • 09:05hrs: Meet our Partners
  • 09:10hrs: CIBSE: Retrofit Revisit
  • 09:20hrs: Uni. Salford: DEEP/smeters
  • 09:30hrs: Carbon Co-op & People Powered Retrofit
  • 09:40hrs: Your Home Better 
  • 09:50hrs: Northwest Net Zero Hub: Local Energy Advice Demonstrators (LEAD)
  • 10:05hrs: Equans: Thought Leader session 
  • 10:15hrs: Thought Leader session with Next Energy
  • 10.25hrs: Themed Breakouts and discussion
  • 10:55hrs: Speaker Q&A Panel & RAW highlights for the week ahead
  • 11.40hrs: Themed Breakouts and discussion
  • 12.00hrs: Summit closes

Register to stay updated on the programme for each morning.

What people say about Retrofit Action Week events

Summit Attendee 2

You guys are great, very inspiring, you've made the day for me, thank-you 👏🏼

Local Authority officer - attendee, Birmingham Retrofit Summit 2024
Summit Attendee round (trans background)

Thanks everyone for all the lovely conversations and talks - very insightful

Project Manager - attendee, Birmingham Retrofit Summit 2024
Architect (2)-1

A great event to attend. Met an awful lot of interesting people from a lot of different backgrounds, social housing providers, contractors, installers. It's particularly useful to see how different people can speak to each other about retrofit

Architect - visitor, The Home Upgrade Show, Manchester 2023
Architect (5)-1

Nice and compact…plenty of time to have a good chat with everyone - met some good people and you see the highlights. The workshops were very interesting which led to making some good relationships with architects and different builders and stuff that's going to be a good working relationship going forward

Housing officer - visitor, The Home Upgrade Show, Manchester 2023

My main takeaway today was meeting the guys on the CITB training stall - that was absolutely outstanding

Energy engineer - visitor, The Home Upgrade Show, Manchester 2023

I think strengthening the kind of network of contacts and the retrofit industry in the Northwest was the most important thing for us. Meeting contractors and people who are interested in pushing retrofit forward, whether that be social housing providers, whether that be community groups, that sort of thing - looking at how it can be done at scale

Retrofitter & installer - visitor, The Home Upgrade Show, Manchester 2023